Deferred Compensation Plan Services
Plan Design
We listen to you and what you need. A deferred compensation plan can be used to achieve many goals that you have for your business. You may have one goal or many. Whether you want to maximize your retirement savings or create a golden handcuff incentive plan for one key individual, we will make sure your plan is designed to meet that specific need.
Choosing the Right Investment
Equally as important as how the plan is designed is what you are investing your money in. We advise on how your money is invested and monitor to help you achieve your end result goals. The deferred compensation plan is just the vehicle, the investment is the engine. Your strategy will determine the investment that is inside your deferred compensation plan.
Tax Advisory
One of the hallmarks to the deferred compensation plan is the potential to grow your investment tax-free and distribute income later tax-free. This is a critical planning and design point within the deferred compensation plan and must be established at the beginning. Furthermore, the distribution phase later must be handled properly. You company’s legal ownership structure also plays a role. We are here to make sure the tax aspect of your plan meets your needs.
Plan Servicing and Monitoring
Your deferred compensation plan should be reviewed annually and we will meet with you on an annual or more frequent basis as needed. Your plan may evolve over time to include more people or exclude others. Furthermore, as others retire, further modifications will need to be made. We are here to help monitor and review your plan to make sure your long term goal is effectively met.
Plan Education
We are here to educate you and any of your employees on how your plan works and operates. Furthermore, your employees may be participating in the plan themselves and as such, participant education is key. We are here and available to meet and educate you and others in your company on your deferred compensation plan.